How to remove links in Word?

When working with Word documents, users often use active links or hyperlinks. This is extremely convenient, since there are many variations of using this format. For example, you can link to some other documents on your computer. Meanwhile, such links become broken if you transfer the file to another device. In this case, the question is how to remove links in the Word.

Below is a detailed algorithm that is presented for two situations. First, the option of removing one or more active hyperlinks is described. Secondly, a method will be considered that eliminates absolutely all links in the document. It is worth noting that everything is described as detailed as possible. Therefore, it takes a little time to master everything and start putting it into practice.

Removing one or more links

To eliminate unnecessary components, follow these simple instructions:

  • Use your mouse to highlight the active link you want to remove.
  • Pay attention to the horizontal menu at the top of the window. Select the "Insert" tab to access the desired options. Click on the "Links" button and select the "Hyperlink" option.
  • A dialog box will be displayed with which you perform all other manipulations. To be more precise, you need to find the "Remove link" button. Click on it LMB to implement this operation.

As a result of such elementary manipulation, you can see how the text is converted to the usual format. That is, the blue color and the underlining itself will disappear.

Now you know how to remove links in Word. It only takes a few seconds to eliminate one unit. Therefore, it will not be difficult to eliminate several elements. But such instruction will not be convenient if you have a large document with hundreds of such components.

Removing all links in one step

As you already understood, the method indicated above is convenient, but not the most effective when interacting with large volumes. Therefore, an alternative must be found. Below is an algorithm with which all hyperlinks in the text are quickly eliminated:

  • Select absolutely all the contents of the running document. To do this, use the mouse or hotkeys. Hold down the combination "Ctrl + A". As a result, everything will be selected in just a second.
  • Now you need to hold down another key combination on the keyboard. To be more precise, these are three "Ctrl + Shift + F9" buttons.
  • As a result, you will see how all links are converted to plain text.

Second Bulk Delete Option

Before describing the method, it is worth identifying its features. First, as a result of the implementation, you will return absolutely all content to standard formatting. That is, the default style will be applied. As for hyperlinks, they can keep their appearance. That is, they are able to remain blue and underlined. In this case, you will have to change it manually.

Now to the instructions:

  • Select all content. It has already been said above how this can be done quickly and efficiently.
  • Now open the "Home" tab and find the "Styles" settings block. There is a list of different options. There is a special arrow at the bottom of the block. Click on it, it's at the very bottom.
  • In the window you will be offered many variations. You just need to select the "Clear All" option. After that, close the pop-up window to return to the content of the document.

As a result, all links will be removed, the content will take on the most standard appearance. In fact, you have achieved the desired result in just a couple of clicks. It is not necessary to perform a whole set of manipulations for each fragment.


If you do not know how to remove links in Word, study the instructions described above. It only takes a few seconds to implement each of the methods. Understanding where the necessary settings are located, it will not be difficult to achieve the result. If there are few links, use the first algorithm. Meanwhile, the second is suitable when working with large volumes.

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