How to Crop a Picture in PowerPoint?

When a user is working on creating a presentation, the main role is most often played by various images added to the slides. It is photographs and pictures that are one of the best options for how you can display information as clearly and efficiently as possible. The following will provide instructions on how to crop a picture in PowerPoint.

This is up-to-date information, since not all primary sources may fit perfectly into your project. Their completion is a matter of a few minutes. You just need to know about the existing functionality of the program.

Features of working with software

The main advantage of working in PowerPoint is that the source will definitely not be affected even after the adjustments made. You can roll back some actions or delete the changed picture altogether to start over.

Pruning procedure

Now directly to the question of how to crop a picture in PowerPoint:

  • The first thing you should start with is adding a suitable image to the slide. Insert it using the standard tools offered by the program. On the PC, a file must be prepared in advance in a folder.
  • Now click on the image to select it with the left mouse button. In such a simple way, you will provoke the appearance of a special section. It's about "Working with pictures" at the top of the window. It in turn consists of a tab called "Format". You need to click on it to display all available tools.
  • Examine the toolbar that will be offered to you. Among all the content there is an area labeled as "Size". It includes components, one of which is labeled as the "Crop" button. Click on it.
  • On the image, you can observe a special frame that will be located on the borders of the object. Using special markers, change the size of the selected area. You can edit both the area and the location of the image. The main task at this point in time is to highlight the part that interests you.
  • When you are completely satisfied with the result in the form of an edited object, click on the "Crop" button again to apply all the changes made. It is worth noting that the frames will disappear, as well as the entire part that was located behind them.

Cut to shape

By clicking on the arrow under the “Crop” button, you will see a list of components, one of which is labeled “Crop to Shape”. What does this mean?

The thing is that you can choose one or another figure from a huge list, which will be a model in the cropping process. Use the tool and if the result suits you completely, just click on any other place on the slide. Below is an example of how a photo was cropped using a lightning bolt shape.

In the event that after choosing one or another option you have not yet accepted the changes, you can implement a template replacement. Choose forms and look at which one will look more presentable in a particular case.


With the help of this section, you can cut out fragments of a photo with clearly defined sides. You are offered a huge variety of variations, so there is definitely something to choose from.

The most common option is a 1:1 ratio. Meanwhile, specifying 16:9 or other formats is not difficult. It is worth noting that the selected setting will only determine the size of the frame. You can edit it manually.

Why is this option so important? With its help, you will be able to adhere to a single format when working with a presentation. For example, all photos will be square or any other suitable shape.


The next format you can use is a tool called Fill. The principle of operation here is quite simple, but interesting. You need to first select the empty space that the image should occupy. Choose the appropriate size, a frame with markers is provided for this.

At the moment when you set the appropriate dimensions, you will need to click on the "Fill" item. As a result, the photo will fill the entire area that you have selected.


In the case of this option, there is even nothing to explain. The principle is the same as in the previous fill example. There is only one difference in this answer to the question of how to crop a picture in PowerPoint. Here you select one or another zone, but the system at the same time implements stretching while maintaining the original proportions.

It is not recommended to stretch the photo too actively, as the quality will be lost as a result. Control the situation and act in such a way that the result you get meets your expectations.


As you can see, there are many variations on how to crop a picture in PowerPoint. The task is only to find the most optimal method specifically for your case. Be sure that the built-in tools offered by the program will provide you with the best result.

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