How to make a note in Word?

If we talk about Word, this is the best program for working with text. Hundreds and thousands of tools are provided, together with which the best result is provided. Getting straight to the point, it is worth noting that this article will address the question of how to make a note in Word.

What is it and what is it for? In short, this is a handy tool for marking some important moments. For example, you have a large document with hundreds of pages of text. If you need to make some kind of mark, just add a note for the selected fragment. Write everything you need so that in the future you instantly get access to this or that information.

Add procedure

The first thing you need to do is open a document with the text where you want to add a note. After that, start following the elementary instructions, which will definitely not cause you any difficulties:

  • Use the left mouse button to highlight the content you are interested in. It can be one word, an entire paragraph, or several pages. The essence of this does not change, further instructions, too.
  • When the fragment is defined, pay attention to the menu at the top of the window. There are quite a lot of different tabs, one of which is signed as "Review". That is what you need to open in order to proceed to the next stage.
  • You will see quite a lot of different settings, which are divided into several categories. One of them is signed as "Notes", it is with it that all further operations are carried out. To answer the question of how to make a note in Word, just click on the appropriate button. If you haven't figured it out yet, we're talking about the "Create Note" element.
  • You will be able to see the element displayed on the right side opposite the text, where you will be prompted to enter everything that is required. You just have to use the keyboard to form the very note, which you can later navigate.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in achieving the best result. You just need to know where to look for certain tools. By pressing a couple of buttons, you get the perfect effect. The number of notes for a document is not limited, which is very convenient.

Additional Tools

You already know how to make a note in Word. But along with this, related issues may arise that are no less important. Below is a set of short answers that will help you achieve the desired result:

  • In order to delete a note, you need to select the component you are interested in with the left mouse button. Then go to the "Review" tab. Next to the element previously used to add a note, there is a button called "Delete". Click on it to complete the task.
  • Disable display. As you already understood, the content can be seen on the right side of the window. But if desired, it is hidden in one click or re-displayed. All that is required of you personally is to visit the same section called "Review", and then select the "Show Notes" option.
  • Switch between different entries. For example, you have a large document with 1000 pages, among which there are several notes. To quickly find neigh boring entries, you just need to click on "Previous" or "Next" in the same block that you used for all other settings.


As you can see, there is nothing difficult about how to make a note in Word. The main thing is an understanding of where these or those options for customization are located. As a result, you will instantly achieve the desired result.

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