How to Make a Crossword in Word?

Crossword is a popular phenomenon among millions of people. Few of those who do not know the principle of the functioning of this game. The main task is to guess the words. In some cases, there may be a need to create such an object. What is needed for this? For example, you can use the text editor from MS Office. This instruction will help those who are interested in how to make a crossword in Word.

It should be noted right away that the software does not provide any specialized tools. Meanwhile, there is an option how to achieve the desired result using the table. Below is a sequential algorithm that guarantees the best result.

Table formation

The first thing the answer to the question of how to make a crossword in Word begins with is the formation of the table itself.

Now directly to the process of object formation:

  • Create a new document in Word. Run it in the standard way so that empty sheets are displayed in front of you.
  • Now pay attention to the menu at the top of the window. There are several tabs, each of which contains certain information and options for configuration. Click on the "Insert" component.
  • Look for the "Table" button, which has a distinctive pattern in the form of a small layout. All you have to do is click on the element with the left mouse button. This is necessary to open a number of additional options.
  • In the menu that appears in front of you, you can select a ready-made option through the matrix. Offered 10 cells wide and 8 high.
  • As a result, a "skeleton" of the future object will appear on the sheet. Now you partially know how to make a crossword puzzle in Word. It doesn't end there, it's just the beginning.

Where to start filling

To continue answering the question of how to make a crossword puzzle in Word, you must still form a layout at this stage. If you haven't already, please resolve this issue. Why is that? It is important to clearly understand how many cells each word will occupy, where exactly it will be located. In addition, you must consider the numbering system and so on.

Having a ready-made layout on paper, you can calculate exactly how many cells you need in height and width. From this it will be possible to build on to start filling. Below is a continuation of the instructions with a step-by-step consideration of all manipulations.

Adding numbering

Most often, crossword puzzles contain numbering, which is a number in the upper left corner of the cell. Below are instructions on how to achieve a similar result:

  • Implementing a new stage of instructions on how to make a crossword puzzle in Word, start by numbering the cells. Enter numbers in the elements where certain words begin on your layout. At this stage, only care is needed. Distribute everything so as not to make mistakes.
  • Now you need to select the entire table in order to continue working with text.
  • Click the Home tab to access the Font toolbox. Find the button that is labeled "Superscript". After that click on it. As a result, you will see how the numbers will decrease in size and will be slightly above the canter of the cell.
  • In addition to everything, refer to the "Paragraph" block. Click on the Left Align symbol. It is necessary for the numbers to shift and be in the right place. In the image below you can see the result of simple manipulations.

Painting over unwanted cells

Naturally, not all cells of your table will contain letters, since this is the principle of a crossword puzzle. What to do with those elements that turn out to be empty? The best option is to paint them over so that in the future it will be easier to navigate and guess the words. Continuing the theme of how to make a crossword puzzle in Word, perform the following set of actions:

  • Select the cell you want to color. Right-click on it to display the context menu.
  • In the block with tools, find the button that is signed as "Fill". Click on it to open the color palette.
  • Select the appropriate shade by clicking on it with the left mouse button.
  • Implement a similar set of actions for all other cells. Your crossword puzzle is unique in terms of appearance. Below is just a sample of what it might look like.

Final stage

The last paragraph of the article, how to make a crossword puzzle in Word, will allow you to fully complete the project. You will get exactly what you are interested in.

In fact, the task is as simple as possible. You should already have a list of questions that allow you to find a particular word. Place it below the table.

What to do after that? Print out the crossword puzzle to start solving it. If you wish, you can copy the object on a separate sheet and fill in all the cells. Why is this needed? For example, you will always have a layout with answers at hand. In other words, it is not necessary to do so.


Now you know how to make a crossword puzzle in Word. The presented instructions are only a set of recommendations. Meanwhile, you can experiment by making various changes. The better you learn Word, the more interesting the final result will be. You cannot even doubt that everything will work out. This step-by-step guide will definitely help you.

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