How to Make Content in Word?

The Word program can be used to implement hundreds and thousands of different operations related to text, documents. One of the points that many users are interested in is the use of tools that simplify the workflow. For example, a popular question is how to make content in Word.

The peculiarity is that in the case of this program, everything is implemented automatically. All that is required from you personally is just following a simple instruction that will definitely not cause any difficulties. Everything is done in several basic steps, which will be described below.

Highlight headings in text

The first thing you should start with is working directly with the text. Word provides tools with which you must select all your headings. For example, some text will be taken. It presents not only headings, but also subheadings, which will be marked in the content by another level.

Directly the workflow to obtain the desired result will look like this:

  • Click on the heading that should be displayed in the table of contents. If you wish, you can select the text using the left mouse button.
  • Go to the "Home" tab, this is one of the sections of the horizontal menu at the top of the window. After that, pay attention to the block called "Styles". There are ready-made options for headings. Directing the cursor, look for the most suitable versions. For example, for the main title of an article, “Heading 1” is suitable.
  • Similarly, you should implement selection for all other components. Most often, the second and third levels of subheadings are used, but the system provides for the possibility of choosing lower options. By clicking on the arrow to display the entire set, you can take a closer look at what is available for use.

Content Creation

Now comes the key point when it comes to answering the question of how to make content in Word. Follow this simple set of steps to get the desired result:

  • Position the cursor where you want the content for your text to appear.
  • Now pay attention to the "Links" tab at the top of the window. Go to its content. Among the many different options, find the "Contents" button on the far left.
  • A small window will appear in front of you, where you will immediately be offered several options for automatically collected tables of contents. If you point the cursor at any format, you can see a brief description that helps you navigate. In the case of the example, the most standard version of the automatically collected content is specified. Click LMB, after which the desired element will be displayed on the sheet.

Finalization of the table of contents

Continuing to answer the question of how to make content in Word, it is worth mentioning the possibility of editing the result that you previously received. To continue, click on an element to select it, then go to this instruction:

  • In the "Links" section of the menu, find the button called "Contents", then click on it to display a window with additional options. At the bottom, you can find the "Custom Table of Contents..." button, which you must click on in order to proceed to the next step of this instruction.
  • In front of you, you can watch a small window with many different parameters that are available for editing. The first thing to start with in this case is to determine if you need pagination. There is a special item "Show page numbers", opposite which is checked. If necessary, simply remove it with a left-click.
  • The next step is to choose the location of information about which page this or that section is located on. In the standard form, everything is correctly located on the right at the very edge. If you wish, you can edit this moment and make it so that the numbering is located immediately after the text.
  • The next point, available for customization all in the same window, is the overall appearance of the content. If you wish, you can make adjustments and drastically change the style, if necessary. How it works? In the subsection called "General", configure the "Formats" item. Opposite there is a small window in which you can choose the appropriate option from the drop-down list. Experiment and keep the pattern that seems most worthy in your case.

In general, this is the end of the main block of settings. The content will have exactly the form that interests you. However, you can further edit the object using other tools. Just click on the "Options ..." or "Change" button to access another set of settings that are easy enough to work with. Realize your desires and create the perfect result.


If you still cannot decide how to make content in Word, use the instructions described above, which answers all popular user questions. The most important thing is to follow the instructions that will accurately lead to the desired result.

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