How to Remove Large Spaces in Word?

Large gaps in a document are a fairly common problem. At the same time, not many people like it when everything visually looks not the best way. What is the solution to the problem? There are a number of recommendations on how to remove large spaces in Word. There are different situations. Therefore, they need a special approach. Below is a detailed algorithm for interacting with the MS Office product.

If we talk about large gaps, they do not pose any threat from the technical side. However, visually it can hurt the eyes. This is especially true when the document is printed on paper. The algorithms for various situations are described below.

Reason 1: Text Alignment across the Full Width of the Page

The first situation, when the question arises, how to remove large spaces in Word, concerns working with justifying content in width. For example, you have written this or that paragraph. In case its last line contains few words, they will be distributed across the entire width. Therefore, rather large gaps are formed.

What is the solution to the problem? If possible, just set a different type of left justification. What does that require? Just a few elementary manipulations in the program:

  • Select the text to which you want to apply changes.
  • Go to the "Home" tab. To find it, pay attention to the menu at the top of the window.
  • Find a group of tools called "Paragraph". There are quite a few different components. You need to click on the Align Left button.

As a result of such a simple manipulation, you will remove large spaces. But consider the main aspect. If justification is a mandatory formatting requirement, the described method will not be relevant.

Reason 2: Using Tabs Instead of Standard Spaces

The next option, when spaces are too large, is to work with tabs. If you use it, the words will be too far apart. At the same time, it is worth noting that the empty space will begin to form not only in the last line of the paragraph. It can appear anywhere where there is a tab.

How to remove large spaces in Word with such a problem? The first step is to make sure that such formatting is present at all:

  • Select all text in the document.
  • After that, pay attention to the "Paragraph" block in the "Home" tab. Click on the "Show all characters" button. As a result, you will be able to see the entire structure of the document, including spaces and tabs.
  • There must be dots between all words. This is how gaps are shown. View all content for arrows. If they are present, they must be eliminated by standard removal. At the same time, make sure that the words after this are not written together. Is that how it happened? Then add a standard space, it's only a matter of one second.

Reason 3: Presence of "End of line" character

Imagine a situation where page alignment is a must. What should the user do in this case? Formatting cannot be changed. Therefore, an alternative must be sought.

How to remove large spaces in Word if the paragraph ends with the "End of Paragraph" symbol? All that is required of you is to display non-printable characters again. At the end of each paragraph, you will see a curved arrow symbol. Just delete it. To do this, place the cursor at the end of a paragraph. After that, click on "Delete" to achieve the desired result.

Reason 4: Extra Spaces

How to remove large spaces in Word if the options described above do not fit? In fact, the list does not end with everything mentioned. The most common reason is more than one space between words. Some users accidentally put a few characters without noticing it.

This problem is especially common if you copied the content from another document or any site. Your task is only to eliminate it.

How it's done? Just display all non-printable characters. Then review the text. Be careful that there is only one dot between the words. When there are more of them, this indicates the presence of several gaps. The principle of eliminating the problem is the usual removal of extra characters.

But what if the document is large? The number of errors can be in the hundreds. In this case, the search option with subsequent replacement is suitable:

  • You need to select a piece of text where extra spaces were found.
  • Now open the "Home" tab to see the "Formatting" settings block on the top panel. You need to click on the "Replace" button.
  • A small pop-up window with several tabs will be displayed. You need to open the one that is signed as "Replace". After that, you will see two main lines. Opposite "Find" put two spaces using the keyboard. In the "Replace with" line, enter one probe. After that, click on "Replace All" to start the process.
  • A small window will appear showing information about the work done. Continue the process until all replacements have been made. As a result, double spaces will disappear, only standard ones will remain.

Reason 5: Word Wrap

How to remove large spaces in Word? Continuing the disclosure of this issue, one more method can be distinguished. For example, your document may allow word wrapping. However, they have not yet been implemented. In such a situation, follow this simple algorithm to reduce spaces:

  • Select all the content of your document. To do this, you just need to hold down the key combination "Ctrl + A".
  • Now take a look at the menu at the top. Click on the "Layout" tab to go to the next step.
  • Find the Page Setup group. After that, click on the "Hyphenation" component.
  • You will be offered several options for settings. You just need to select the "Auto" item
  • As a result of such elementary manipulations, hyphens will appear in the part of the text that you selected. In this case, the problem of large gaps will be solved.

Why is this happening? The program gets access to such an action as word wrapping. Consequently, the content on the page is redistributed. Everything looks smaller and neater.


Now you know all the options for how to remove large spaces in Word. You just need to analyze your own situation in order to choose the optimal algorithm for yourself. Each of the methods is simple in terms of implementation. Therefore, you will definitely cope and get the best result.

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