How to change the font in Word?

When working with products of the Microsoft Office program, you often have to deal with text. To make it look appropriate and suit you in all respects, it is important to be able to choose a font. It should be noted right away that everything is implemented in a matter of seconds. This article will talk about how to change the font in Word. Below are detailed instructions that will achieve the desired result.

Font change procedure

Now directly to the question of how to make changes in order to get a decent result. Here is a sequential set of actions that you need to implement:

  • Select the piece of text you want to edit. Use the mouse for this, just hold down the left mouse button and drag over the corresponding content.
  • Pay attention to the top of the window. There is a menu and other components for configuring content and various options. Go to the tab called "Home".
  • The next step is to find the "Font" section. It is in it that all the components that are needed for proper configuration are located.
  • Pay attention to the small window with the signed name. It is he who is responsible for the choice of a particular font. All you need to do personally is to click on this element. To be more precise, click on the small arrow, which is located on the right? This will display a list of all available options.
  • Select a font with the left mouse button. For clarity, what it looks like is displayed. You will initially understand what result this or that choice will lead to.

There are some nuances when answering the question of how to change the font in Word. The point is that you can speed up the process if you know in advance the name of the option that you would like to choose. Just click on the name to highlight, then use the keyboard and enter the first couple of letters, the rest will be added directly by the system.


In the event that you do not know how to change the font in Word, study the elementary instructions presented above. Be sure that the desired result will be provided in a matter of seconds.

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