How to make a link in Word?

When you work with Word, you interact with text. It, in turn, may contain various links. There are nuances of adding these components. When inserting or entering an address, just press the spacebar or Enter to make the link active. But there is also a way to manually add an element. Below are various instructions and recommendations on how to make a link in Word.

Forming a custom hyperlink

The first option is to create a custom hyperlink. All you need to do is just follow the elementary instructions and listen to some recommendations:

  • Open the document you will be working with. Highlight the content that interests you. It can be text or an image. Essentially, you select the object into which the link is embedded.
  • Pay attention to the menu at the top of the window. There are many tabs there. One of them is signed as "Insert". Go into it. You will see a set of tools. Among everything there is a "Links" component. Click on it to display additional options.
  • From what the system will offer, specify the "Hyperlink" command.
  • Now you will see a dialog box that you have to work with. Here you need to implement the action that will be suitable specifically for your case:
  • For example, you can create a link that will lead to a file or web resource. To do this, in the "Link to" section, select the "file, web page" item. After that, the "Address" field will be displayed, where you will need to enter the relevant information.
  • The alternative is to create a link to a file that hasn't even been created yet. In this case, you will need to specify the option "New document" in the "Link to" section. After that, enter the name of the component in the appropriate line. At the bottom, set the "When to edit a new document" item. Choice between "now" and "later".

You understand how to make a link in Word. Meanwhile, you can change the tooltip that appears when you hover over a component with an active link. To implement this, in the settings window, click on "Hint ...". Then enter the information. If this is not done, there will be a standard variation. It represents the path to the file or the address itself.

Hyperlink to another location in a document

Adding a hyperlink to another location in the same document or web page is a process that is implemented in several basic steps. And the first thing to start with is the choice of the point where the link will lead. For this, meanwhile, a bookmark or a heading is used.

Procedure for adding a bookmark

The algorithm for achieving the goal is as follows:

  • On the page, you must select some text or object. A bookmark will be associated with it.
  • Now open the tab called "Insert" and look for the "Links" option. Clicking on it will display an additional list. Select the "Bookmark" item by clicking on it with LMB.
  • You will see a working window with a special field. All you need to do is provide a name for the bookmark. There are some rules for writing it. It must start with a letter. Numbers can be contained directly in the body of the name. It is important to note that spaces are not allowed.
  • When everything is ready, click on "Add". To implement the entire instruction, you need to take only a minute of your time.

Adding a link

Now directly to the question of how to make a link in Word. The instruction looks like this:

  • Select the object that will later be a hyperlink. As mentioned earlier, this can be either text, or an image and another object.
  • Right-click on the highlighted area to display the context menu. Among all the options that you will be offered, select the option "Hyperlink".
  • A window will open. Here you must specify "Place in the document" in the "Link to" block. After that, a list will appear with the bookmarks and titles that you previously added. Select the component where exactly the hyperlink will refer to.

Quick formation of a hyperlink to another file

The method described above involves working with the "Insert Hyperlink" window. Meanwhile, alternative sets of operations can be dispensed with. For example, a simple drag and drop system works. Essentially, you're dragging a component from a Word document. If it's a URL, you can move it from one browser or another.

There is also some warning. You will not be able to create an active link if you drag any objects in the form of pictures. Work with graphical components is implemented through the context menu and the “Hyperlink…” tab.

Hyperlink to Excel sheet via drag and drop

The last of the algorithms will look like this:

  • Open an Excel document and select the set of cells you want to link to.
  • Now right-click on the element and select the "Copy" option.
  • Go to Word to continue with the instructions. On the Home tab, there is an Insert button. Click on the arrow and select "Insert as hyperlink" among the additional options.

On this, the instruction can be considered completely completed. This is an extremely fast and convenient method.


Now you know how to make a link in Word using various methods. Only one thing matters. Each instruction presented works and guarantees the best result. Use certain methods to accurately achieve your goal.

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