YouTube Not Responsible for Violating Viacom's Copyrights

YouTube was the first video sharing site to appear in February 2005. It has since grown to be a much more than that. YouTube is the most popular portal on the Internet. You can share unlimited length videos on the internet with no restrictions. You can upload unlimited videos as a registered member. Even if you're not a registered member, unlimited video viewing is possible. The case Viacom filed a case against YouTube in 2007 in response to YouTube's uploads of their videos, programs, and movies without Viacom's consent. They claimed $ 1billion for the violation and copyright loss. YouTube did not have any involvement in the uploading of these videos. This video was uploaded as with all other videos. This case was in court for quite some time before the decision was reached. The verdict Google won the lengthy case for YouTube. Viacom stated that they will appeal against the federal court because the case was misled in the wrong direction. This statement is...