Why Is It Safer To Use An Online Step To Activate Product Keys Through Www.Office.Com/Setup?

MS Office is used for many purposes around the world. It has almost all the tools that range from normal household use to high-end professional use. Many programs have been added, and the software of this productivity tool has improved and become a much better platform. 

Many companies have come across many tools and have finally implemented Office 365 as a permanent solution to the productivity work they wanted to do.

Because of the growing user base for Office 365, it has certainly become a target for hackers and software pirates, and they have targeted this software for their malware and piracy. The old method of using a secret product key when installing the software gave the pirates more leverage in handling the software's registry.

With this in mind, the company has come up with a way to fix all of this by creating online web pages that will help install and redeem the product key through the software. This is a very delicate matter.

Office comes with a product key in the format XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX, which is made up of alphanumeric characters in a random format. This product key is associated with the purchase of the software that you made with Office 365.

Previously, these product keys came with your purchase and you used them while installing the product. The newest method is to use your browser, go to office.com/setup, and then sign in with the account you used to make the Office purchase. After logging in, you will need to enter your product key. Once your product has been added to your account, you can manage and download your product at any time using activation. All you need to do is remember the username and password of your Microsoft account that is associated with your Office product key.

This is not the case. Company has created various types of web pages for various products that are easy to use and can be operated by customers. Some of the urls associated with setting up and installing office.com/setup365.

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