How to Insert PDF File into PowerPoint Presentation?-

If the user want to insert PDF File into Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation, then this article is very useful for them. But if the user need support, then they can anytime contact to the customer care of Microsoft Office via . Insert PDF As An Object on a PowerPoint Slide: If you want to see the entire PDF file during your PowerPoint presentation, then you should insert the PDF as an object. For this, you should open the PowerPoint slide where you wish to insert the PDF. After this, you should select Insert option and then choose Object just to open the Insert Object dialog box. Then, you have to select Create from File, and then you should select Browse option. Now, you should open the folder which has the PDF file, and then choose the PDF file, and just select OK button. At this point, you have to select OK button in the Insert Object dialog box. Now, the icon for the PDF appears on the slide and then the PDF file has now becomes part of the presentation file. If...