How to Run Old Programs (Vista, XP, 2000) in Windows 7 ?

If you've recently made the switch between Windows Vista to Windows 7 it is possible that you have noticed that there are some programs which aren't designed to work with this new OS. Many programs originally designed to run on Windows Vista should run properly under Windows 7 as well. There are a few instances however, when software isn't running properly or will not install. If you encounter an error message that is related to compatibility when installing or running of the program, this guide will help you to solve this issue.

Windows 7 is designed to work with programs that were previously available on Windows. There are two primary methods (excluding those shortcuts) that you can solve compatibility problems. It can be done by hand by hand, or with the help of a software Compatibility troubleshooter.

Program Compatibility Troubleshooter

If you are a user who is not familiar using Windows 7 or any of Microsoft's operating systems, this approach is highly recommended. To reach the program Compatibility troubleshooter, follow the following sequence of steps:

  • Select Start.

(By default by default, the Start button appears as the bright window icon on the left-hand side on the display)

  • Select Control Panel.
  • Use the search box located at the top right corner of the window.
  • Type troubleshooting.
  • Select Troubleshooting.
  • Choose Run Programs designed for earlier version of Windows.
  • Select the Advanced.(If you are an administrator)
  • Select Next and follow the steps on the troubleshooter.


  • You can also direct towards the troubleshooter simply by entering Run Programs in the search box at the top of the screen and then selecting Programs that were designed for older version of Windows.
  • Right-clicking on the icon of the executable program and choosing Troubleshoot Compatibility from the menu that opens will direct you to the troubleshooter.

Manually configuring the compatibility settings

You can alter the settings of specific software and then run them in specific Windows versions by hand:

  • Right-click the executable file that want to modify.
  • Select Properties in the menu that pops up.
  • Choose on the Compatibility tab.
  • In compatibility mode, click the option next to This program to run in compatibility mode.
  • Choose the operating system that the program can be used with.
  • Select Apply and OK.

Other settings in the Settings section and under the Privilege Level are available to specify the desired behavior or application you would like to run.

Both of these methods have proven successful in resolving compatibility problems. For more advanced users, manually setting the settings can be more efficient when you know an application will be affected by compatibility issues. The manual method is also effective for installing programs that are unable to run because of compatibility issues. Selecting the proper Windows version from its properties will allow the installation to function as if it were a normal program running in an earlier version mode. This guide will assist to resolve any compatibility problems when installing or running applications on Windows 7.


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