How To Block Sharing Your Profile with Other Skype Users?

You are able to choose whether or not reveal the details of your Skype profiles with different Skype users. Your profile will typically have a wealth of personal information that you would not wish to share with all other Skype user. It is possible that you need to disclose your basic details about yourself to other people but you do not wish to have all of your personal information accessible by any other user. There are also private information you might not want to share with your friends via Skype. Skype network. To fix this issue you can simply block other users from accessing you Skype profile. It's easy to achieve and you do not need to be an expert in computer technology or even an education degree from a university. Just follow these easy steps.


The first step is to establish a new account. You can then sign in to it. If you're already logged on to an account, you can simply login with your username and password. You must be logged into your account in order for you to be able to make the required modifications.

Next step would be to modify your profile to make it clear that only you have access to. To edit it, hit File and then Edit My Profile. The profile information you currently share with others will be shown. The next step is to modify your profile and erase any personal information you do not want to disclose. You can leave the spaces empty and erase the information that is already in there. Your email address is already private to others via Skype therefore you don't need to worry about deleting your email address.

The edit section of your profile gives you the possibility of choosing the information you wish to share as well as those that you wish to keep to keep private. Anything you want to give to other Skype users must be entered into your profile. However, private sections should remain blank. You may also choose to set certain information about your profile to Private to prevent people from viewing the information. Private sections are only accessible to you and they are not visible to other users.

Updating Profile

When you are done making modifications, ensure that you click Update Profile to allow it to be effective. Update your profile will save any changes made, and the profile that is saved will then be the one that other users can view. After your profile is modified, you will be able to go back to using and using Skype and be sure that your personal data is not accessible.

As you may have observed, preventing the other Skype users from accessing your personal information is easy to accomplish following the steps above. The steps are simple and straightforward to follow so anyone can follow them in a short time. You are also able to modify your profile at whenever you like and change or delete details to share with others by repeating the steps. You can edit or update information on those spaces that you previously left empty. Then click Update Profile again and have the updated profile saved.

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