How To Sort Data in Microsoft Excel 2019?

Guides for beginners step-by-step for sorting the data using Excel on either a PC or Mac computer. Use the steps in this Microsoft Excel guide for more information and tips.

These tutorial videos will show you how to sort your data in Excel after you have finished with office setup at With just a few mouse clicks, you are able to arrange your information alphabetically, either in ascending (A to Z) or ascending (Z from A to Z) sorting order. You can also filter your data according to a the numerical value. It is also possible to arrange all of your information into categories using multiple criteria. This is all done with simple examples and spreadsheets that are free.

What is the best time to utilize Excel's "Sort"?

If you need to change the tables' rows in a practical and efficient arrangement.

For instance, arranging tables of students based on their last names alphabetically order, or organizing the banks by account number.

You can also set up your arrangements based on two or more requirements:

For instance, suppose you're a high school principaland have an inventory of all your students.

You may want to arrange your checklist and divide your list in three groups:

In the beginning, it is by the various grade levels (in ascending order starting from lower to the upper) and then within each grade, by the various classes, and finally, in each class, by the student's name, in alphabetical order.

When the MS Excel program was released it was restricted to sorting by three criteria. In the most recent versions of Excel it's possible to sort according to as many as 64 different criteria! However, only in rare instances it is necessary to make use of more than three criteria. It is necessary when you are dealing with databases that contain hundreds of entries.

The rules for a successful sorting

Before sorting, be sure your table of information is in line with the following requirements:

  • There aren't any empty columns or empty rows within the table. If there are empty columns or rows, Excel will sort only one part of the table while leaving the rest of the table unsorted.
  • First row in the table needs to be a title row each column should have the title of its own.
  • Create a blank row over the title row on the table (this is not required when the table begins from the top row on worksheet).

You can always hit "Undo" or click the "Undo" button in case circumstances didn't go the way you thought they would be.

Sorting - step-by-step:

  • Click within the column you'd like to sort it by (it isn't important where the column is, as long as it's within the column that is relevant).
  • Hit on the "Sort & Filter" button.
  • Select the sorting order to be used:
  • For numbers you can pick between "Largest to Smallest" or "Smallest to Largest".
  • If you want to use texts, you can select between "A to Z" or "Z to A".
  • For dates you can choose between "Oldest to Newest" or "Newest to Oldest".

Your information is now organized.


If you encounter the message "The command was not executed using the range you specified" it is because you didn't select the table prior to making a decision to arrange.


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