A Guide to Use Video in MS Office PowerPoint

About Microsoft Office PowerPoint

 MS Office PowerPoint is program that is used for presentation. Now, in MS Office PowerPoint 2019, you can add video as well. Unlike earlier versions of Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 gives you more video and audio options. These new option will assist you to create a cinematic presentation which is more engaging, simple and more dynamic. www.office.com/setup


New Tools and Features of Office PowerPoint

One of the major benefits of the new video is its ability to be able to trim the media. This quality will let you focus on main messages and hence it ensures that you don’t force your viewers to watch content that is not relevant for them.  Trimming your video will assist you to save your time and improves quality as, it assist to trim that part which is not important. You can also adjust placing of video in just three simple clicks.


It will serve as an efficient solution if you want to show your video within your logo element or have an intricate animation. Now all normal video editing tools are also presented that you can use for video editing. It provide options of video editing, image correction, border style shadows, reflection, bevels, glows as well as 3D rotation. this blog


Working with all of the above features in order to recover your presentation is so easy and effective. But, we have further more information for you regarding the same.


Now, in PowerPoint you can export your presentation. But, you must be thinking that why would you want to do that when you can send them in view mode also.


This feature will assist you to overcome issue of duplicacy and editing of your slides. Here, Exporting will assist you to send your message to be seen without recipients being able to duplicate your slides or edit it.


If you are sending a video from Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2019, then you need to make sure that they have Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2019 installed on their device. As, they won’t be able to see the exact video without it. Office.com/setup



So whether you are produce a sales presentation or create a pitch document or easily want to get message across in a more modern way then you can use this. Introducing this feature of video will assist you to get more interesting results and will assist you to stand out.

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